He Didn’t Marry Me For My Cooking: Recipe Share #3

When you have kids, it’s often tough to still make time for adult activities, like date night.  However, we are lucky in the fact that my mom is usually willing to hangout with The Princess and The Lordling whenever we need her too.  So when The Beard get’s to spend time with his “special lady friend” we often eat at one of our favorite restaurants, Taco Lucha.

Side note: “Special lady friend” was my status until we got engaged I think, and still pops up from time to time.  So annoying.  I think that’s why it’s had such a long run.

You know what else is annoying?  Not being able to eat out whenever you want without having to suffer the physical consequences!  However, it is what it is.  So I was really excited to stumble upon this recipe for Clean Eating Oven Baked Fajitas   I love it because I THINK I’m eating my favorite tacos from my favorite restaurant but at no where near the the calories, fat, sodium, etc.

As always, this dish is really easy to assemble and can be customized to your liking.  For example, sometimes I don’t bother using a shell and just eat the meat in a bowl and I always add avocado.  Another reason this gets the thumbs up is that our kids will eat it too.  It’s not too spicy and it’s good for them.  Just ask The Lordling.  He shovels it in!

So if need a quick-to- fix dinner that will impress your “special lady friend” or if you are her and want to impress your mate, try this one out!


Tip:  In order to view the recipe, you will have to register for its hosting site. It will ask you for a $5.00 donation to support the site but even if you can only donate $0.00, it will allow you to register.

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