So Fresh And So Clean

fresh start

So school started last week, which meant back to work for me.  I took the week off from running and boxing so that I could get readjusted to my new schedule.  While it was a nice little reprieve from my normal exercise routines, I certainly paid for it on my run this morning.

However, there’s nothing like a fresh start!  It’s amazing how good I feel after running in the morning, despite what my body initially tells me when the alarm goes off at 4:45 am.  I’m more awake, feel “clean” on the inside and certainly ready to get stuff done!  I’m on a mission this week to attack my health goals head on!

Are you making a fresh start this week?


Destroy What Destroys You

I have a low tolerance for ignorant people. I mean, looks can only keep my attention for so long. After those first 15 seconds, if you can’t carry on an intelligent conversation about ANYTHING, you’ve lost me.


Luckily, I’m married to The Beard and neither of these are a problem.

One of my favorite things about our relationship is that we enjoy conversing with each other. About anything. Government interference in our lives. Zombies. Our general disdain for a neighbor, just because his license plate says “Nklebck.” What’s wrong with education. Whether or not Jay-Z and Beyoncé are really headed for the big “D.” You name it, we talk about it.

I’ve mentioned before that The Beard is an avid reader, so a lot of our discussions stem from articles that he reads and then sends my way. While many are fairly random, The Beard does a nice job of also sending me articles that pertain to topics that are a focus of mine or that might help in my journey to become a better individual.

Recently, he sent me an article called “21 Reasons Why A Great Body Just Isn’t For You.”  These days, I’ve learned to actually read the articles before following through with my desire to give him my right hook!  I really enjoyed this article and like usual, he and I discussed several of its points one night, after the kids went to bed.  I told him that as I read, I found myself continually nodding my head in agreement as my mind pulled up all of my own experiences that matched the thoughts of the author.

I thought I would share with you the five points that I connected with the most.

21 Reasons Why A Great Body Just Isn’t For You

2.  You don’t take action.  I feel like I spent so many years being miserable in my own skin. I would vent my frustrations to others about how “I wished my hips weren’t so big.” or “Why couldn’t I fit into the outfit on the mannequin?” all the while taking another bite of my quarter-pounder with cheese. It was easy to complain, but doing something about it was another story. I could give you a list of reasons, aka excuses, as to why I didn’t take action, but in the end none of them were viable. Therefore, I remained fat and unhappy.

3.  You blame your genetics.   This specifically made me think of my hips. I have wide hips and so does my mother. She would always apologize to me for “giving” me her hips. I think that, along with other characteristics, I just chalked my body up to being born that way.   Which is rather amusing, given both my father and my mother were thin for most of their younger years. Either way, I often felt that there were physical characteristics that I was just going to be stuck with, as it would be an arduous task to change them.

4.  You compare yourself to other people.  Oh my, how this is true. I can’t remember a time when I haven’t compared myself to others (this will be the focus of a blog post in the future). Wishing for their body type, facial features, etc. Sad to say, but I was doing this all the way back in elementary school. Sometimes I try to think about what initially flipped the switch, meaning what was it that made be begin to feel like I wasn’t acceptable physically. I honestly can’t pinpoint any one thing. I believe it was collections of experiences that I ultimately internalized and let mold my vision of myself

14.  You’re a follower of fads.  I remember in junior high begging my mom to do the 7- day soup diet. There was some recipe for a soup that you would eat for every meal and you would be guaranteed to lose 5 or 10 pounds, or something like that. My mom wasn’t often happy with her body either, so we tried it. We made it like two days I think. I was so disappointed in myself because that meant I wouldn’t be losing that weight. Never mind the fact that what we were doing was totally unhealthy and not a long-term solution. For the longest time I was always looking for the quickest way to get slimmer. I want to lose weight and I want it gone now!

15.  You’re not consistent.  This is TOTALLY me. Even still at times. The Beard is continuously telling reminding me “it’s a marathon, not a sprint.” For the longest time whenever I was trying to lose weight, if I wasn’t immediately seeing results (and I mean like the day after trying something once) then I would want to quit. What’s the point of sacrificing if it wasn’t making a difference? Even now, knowing that results take time and actually seeing for myself that if I stick with something (that’s working) long enough, the results will come…I still relapse back to this way of thinking.


In the end, I still struggle with many of these and others that are identified in this article. However, the difference now is that despite those continued struggles, my decision to work to be better stands. I want a body that I’m comfortable in and proud of. I want to be healthier and stronger. I want to be a good role model for my children. I want to live life and not have my physical being hold me back. So I will keep working for it the rest of my life, because I believe a great body IS for me.




Struggle Leads To Strength


This is extremely tough for me to remember at times, especially when things don’t go the way I had hoped.  However, no matter how frustrated or disappointed I get with a situation, I know in my heart of hearts that this is true.  I hope you do too.


He Didn’t Marry Me For My Cooking: Recipe Share #4

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m pretty inept in the kitchen.


Seriously, I once made a 4-layer birthday cake where I failed to remove the wax paper from in between each layer before baking it. It looked beautiful but I just couldn’t quite figure out why it was so terribly hard to cut!

That mystery got solved the moment my brother in-law started pulling wax paper from his mouth.  Oops!

So I have spent the past year looking for recipes that are not only fairly healthy, but ones that had the lowest risk of epic failure on my part.  I hate meal planning, so I’ve managed to find about 12-15 that we really like and we just keep a rotating menu of those same recipes.  This certainly helps with planning and definitely saves us time.

One of our newest additions is a White Chicken Enchilada Bake.  We have made this two or three times now and have yet to grow tired of it.  It’s pretty “low” in most categories and it’s extremely filling.  

IMG_7184As usual, we modify it for our personal preferences.  It calls for layers of tortillas between the inner mixture, however, we have found it easier to leave out the tortillas.  We put the mixture in a casserole dish and bake it.  The Beard chooses to dish his up and then tear up tortillas to mix in it.  I, on the other hand, leave them out entirely.  Totally up to you.  Added bonus?

It makes for yummy leftovers!

This is coming from someone who rarely eats anything after it was originally served.  

The icing on the cake…mmmm, I could go for some cake right now…is that The Princess and The Lordling like it too.  Anytime I can find a concoction that they will willingly eat along with us, is usually a winner in my book.  The less meals I have to attempt to create, the better.  For everyone.  Trust me.



Tip:  In order to view the recipe, you will have to register for its hosting site. It will ask you for a $5.00 donation to support the site but even if you can only donate $0.00, it will allow you to register.

Show Up, Even If You’re Grumpy

I’m a high school teacher and this is my first week back to work, as summer has come to an end, at least according to my contract.


Thus begins the reconfiguring of my daily routines, one of which is my workout schedule.  My good friend, also a fellow educator, said

“Why must we work?  It totally interferes with our workouts!”  

She’s absolutely right.

One area that is impacted, for me, is my running training.  During the summer, I could usually choose my ideal time of day to run and if something got in the way, I knew I had many other opportunities throughout the day to complete it.  Unfortunately, that does not hold true during the school year.  If I don’t run in the mornings before school, there’s a 99.9% chance it’s not happening.

Did I mention I’m not a morning person?

I sent the following text to a friend this morning, post-workout:

“Do you know how hard it is to make yourself run…at 5 am…with a day full of sitting in a gym ahead of you, AFTER stepping on the scale and gaining a pound DESPITE yesterday’s good eating, running and boxing? GRRRR….”

bad workoutI wasn’t a happy camper this morning, just ask The Beard, who I growled at when he kissed me good morning.  I was tired.  I was going back to work.  The scale did NOT match yesterday’s efforts and so what was the point?  However, despite several conversations with myself trying to sabotage the idea, I ran anyway.

I ran because that’s what I had planned to do.  If I allowed every little (or big) thing that frustrated or upset me to determine whether or not I exercised, I would still be the old me.  I would still be that girl who was never comfortable in her own skin.

Although I still have a way to go before I meet many of my goals, I would not be where I am today if I had quit showing up along the way.


