Building A Better Me

Every now and then I look back at old pictures of myself. I don’t do it because I’ve forgotten what I used to look like, because believe me, those images are carved into my brain and won’t ever be forgotten. Instead, I look at them as reminders of just how far I’ve come.

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When I see them, I instantly feel fresh emotions. The same emotions I felt when I finally came out of denial and realized I needed and wanted to make a change. At that moment long ago, I was in such awe of the girl I was looking at…and not in a good way. It was like I had never seen my reflection before and all of a sudden it had become clear and focused.

I couldn’t believe this is what I looked like. Had looked like. For a long time.

I knew at that moment that I wanted and needed to change and it was going to start then.


Fast forward to now. The awe I feel these days is the the same but also different. I still shake my head in disbelief of my former looks but even more so, it’s in amazement that I have carved myself into a better woman…and I don’t just mean physically.

I have gained so much more than just a better appearance (in my opinion). I am stronger, more confident and happier. Of course there are many variables that can contribute to those feelings, but my physical appearance and health had trumped them all for a long time. Now, they don’t.



Now, instead of fighting the old me, I’m focusing my energy on building a better me.

~ Ashley ~

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