
Teach Them The Way They Should Go


The Princess helped us out with food prep for the week! To be honest, she didn’t help out for that long because her art supplies were calling her name, but that’s ok. I’ll take what I can get because even if it’s only for a little while, she is being exposed to the process of healthy eating.

I believe it is important to expose kids to a healthy lifestyle early on, as I was not as a child and I believe that contributed to some of my struggles over the years. My hope is for my children to see that living a healthy lifestyle can bring so many positives to their life. I want them to grow up with memories of our family spending time together on the weekends constructing our healthy meals for the week ahead. I want them to learn that it’s important to spend time on the things that matter in life and to invest in the people that matter in their life as well. I want them to see how important their health is, both for themselves and their future families.

In the end, I believe it is our responsibility as parents to help guide our children in a direction of a happy, healthy and successful life. The Beard and I are sure trying to do that with our children and I believe in my heart the will be better for it.


~ Ashley ~

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