Every Day I’m Strugglin’…Ok, Not Every Day


A friend of mine sent this to me a while back and while it’s funny, it is SO the truth, especially these last several weeks.

I’ve spent some time this week deciding what angle I was going to take when sharing our second round (plus some) results for 21 Day Fix Extreme. However a wise man, with a slightly shorter and more groomed beard, said “Why does their have to be an angle? Just tell em’!” So, like a good wifey, that’s exactly what I will do. 😉

I won’t spend time recapping our first round, but you can read about it here. Our second round of 21DFX began on Monday, April 20 and officially ended on Sunday, May 10. We stuck to our nutrition and workouts again this round, with one exception. We did have a small cheat that final weekend as it was Mother’s Day. The cheat consisted of two vodka waters with lime (least caloric impact for alcohol in my opinion) and a lunch out, however we tried to compensate with extra water intake to flush it out, as well as modified our dinner that evening. Our results are below.



March 23: 162.0 lbs              April 20: 157.4 lbs                May 11: 152.6 lbs             

            Total Weight Lost: 9.4 lbs                     Total Inches Lost: 7.75  

               *The Beard has lost 9.4 lbs as well and a total of 9.25 inches  

I have been extremely pleased with my results from doing this program the full 67 days we have been using it. What I continue to be impressed by is not just weight loss, but that I’m getting stronger, more toned and most specifically my hips, thighs and butt are FINALLY slimming (see photos). We are currently in our second week of round three (we won’t finish the third as we leave for Jamaica at the end of next week) and as of this morning, I was down to 150.0 lbs!


This is my first goal weight and I have met it! I don’t remember the last time I weighed this.

I am so very excited to see what more the 21DFX can do for us. While we won’t exactly be eating on plan while in Jamaica, we will still pay attention to our portion sizes. When we return from our trip we will get right back to our nutrition plan and workout regime. We fully intend for this to be a lifestyle change for us, not a diet.  We feel so much better, have more energy and I certainly feel as though I’m in a lot more control over my eating than ever before!


I will continue to recommend these Beach Body programs: 21 Day Fix Extreme or 21 Day Fix to anyone and everyone, men included. I truly believe if you are struggling with your eating habits and don’t have time to get to a gym, this is the next best thing! If you don’t just believe me, check out the results of others.

Connie M.  – This past round I got my 66 year mom to try out 21DFX. She ended up losing 5.8 lbs and 8 total inches. She is now in her second week of round two and still making progress. She says she “feels better, is having less aches and pains and her strength is increasing.”

Ryan & Cameo R. -These friends of mine choose to do the regular 21 Day Fix program. Here are their results from round one. “Cameo – lost 10.4 pounds and feels awesome. Ryan – lost 19 pounds and is so eager to keep going! We started round two today. The containers make it very visual to see what you should eat. As for how we feel, we both have more energy throughout the day and feel much healthier. Cravings are gone, which is nice. We are extremely happy with the program. My neighbor started a week after we did, my other neighbor just bought the program and will start soon, and my sister/ her fiancé were supposed to start today. Thank you for being a great motivation!”

Graciela B. – I’m really happy with my results from the first round. I lost 8 pounds! For me, the containers where a fast easy way to watch and make me think about what I was eating. I plan to start another round May 18 and two of my sisters are doing it with me. One of my co-workers decided to buy the plan as well after seeing my results. So I’m happy and committed to sticking with it and seeing how far I can go.


Again, this has been one of the best nutrition and workout programs that we have ever tried, as it has been fairly easy to adapt to our lifestyle. We are really looking forward to seeing ourselves continue to improve in this journey of a healthy way of life.

If you think you would be interested in trying out one of these programs, please contact me! I would love to help you develop a plan to move you in the direction of your goals. 🙂

~ Ashley ~

Beach Body Coach Website: https://www.beachbodycoach.com/ashleydeweese

P.S.  In case you didn’t get the above reference to Jesse Spano…here ya go!