My Story: Fat to Fit (short version)

I’m just an ordinary person who got tired of being overweight.  Well, it’s a bit more complicated, but ultimately that’s the bottom line.  😉

Approximately 213lbs in 2002                                                              160lbs in 2014

I wasn’t always overweight, but I spent years packing on the pounds as I experienced all of life’s ups and downs.  I ultimately decided I needed to change.

woke up

It’s been quite the journey to get to the point I am now.  I’ve done it on my own.  Well, not entirely on my own, but without personal trainers or chefs, expensive surgeries, etc.  Some days are amazing and I feel quite accomplished.  Other days, it’s a struggle.  However, each day is a new day and I keep on.

I hope you will follow my continued journey to lead a healthier lifestyle and learn more about my story, what got me here, along the way.



4 thoughts on “My Story: Fat to Fit (short version)

  1. I think this is wonderful. Let me know if you need any links, like to the KO pages onFacebook or website, which I posted above. Sorry I haven’t been at KO much. Since I only have the one KSU class a day and lots of help, it is allowing me to get moved and settled in. I’d love for you to come out some morning and run out here by the lake while I ride my bike. It is so beautiful here!


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