An Open Letter To New Christmas Toys

Dear New Christmas Toys,

As a mother of a toddler and preschooler, it’s a rare occasion when I can eat a piece of food in its entirety. My kids have noses like bloodhounds and eyes like eagles. Those of you with small children know EXACTLY what I’m talking about.

You know, the moments your kiddos begin to act as though they are Koi fish that haven’t been fed in days!


So this morning, I would like to say “Thank You” new Christmas toys. Thank you for distracting my children long enough for me to selfishly enjoy my tasty cinnamon toast treat. Under normal circumstances, the moment I sat down, my children would have turned into hungry tarsiers.


However, this morning, you provided the blocking coverage that this mother needed.

I will admit though, it was hard to trust in you, as I’ve been down this road a million times. So I still ate like I was in a jungle, surrounded by starving, carnivorous dinosaurs. I sat incredibly still as I slowly raised each bite of toast to my mouth. Each time my teeth sunk into the bread, my eyes would dart and my head quickly cock to wear the Princess and the Lordling sat. 


Hoping…praying…that they wouldn’t pick up on my movement and force me to share what was mine. MINE!

There were a few close calls. Moments where I sat frozen mid-bite, until I realized the predators were simply looking for a dropped saddle to their toy horse or were consumed in arguing with each other over who would get to play with the T-Rex. It was then and only then, that I breathed sighs of relief, knowing that there was no real threat this morning. 

Not THIS morning!

So again, I would like to say “THANK YOU” new Christmas toys! Thank you for allowing this mama to savor every last piece of buttery, cinnamon glory…if only for this one luxurious moment.



Who Doesn’t Love Bacon? This Girl, When That Bacon’s First Name is “Turkey.”

Why didn’t anyone warn me… 

Turkey Bacon

Turkey Bacon.  Not a fan.

       …that this is awful?      

Seriously.  Help a girl out next time.







I refuse to make the sacrifice EVER again!