You Have Two Choices

Every Morning

Every morning for the last 21 days I have been awoken by my alarm at 4:15. My actual roll out of bed time is wavering but regardless, I was downstairs and starting my workout by 4:45. Sometimes I was excited. Occasionally I was in a cloud of fog and barely awake. A few times I was extremely grumpy. And sometimes, I just was. Nevertheless, EVERY morning (sometimes afternoon) my feet hit the floor and I pushed play. Every. Day.

Each Saturday and Sunday for the past 21 days we have spent time making grocery lists, shopping, prepping food and assembling meals. There were definitely moments where I wished I was doing something else but I chose to remind myself of what I was trying to accomplish and the need to stay the course. We have eaten pretty much the exact same meals and snacks for the last three weeks, unwavering. We have not gone out to eat since March 22 and have not had a sip of alcohol in the last 23 days. That in itself is an accomplishment because we tend to use food and drink as some of our “entertainment” for the weekend, so we have had to find alternatives.

We have remained consistent, determined to stay the course and trust the process.

As we finished out our final day of the 21 Day Fix Extreme, I grew very anxious for this morning’s results. Once again the alarm sounded at 4:15, only this time I was not getting up to work out but instead to measure the results of our efforts. And I say “our” because it truly was a team effort. The Beard and I have truly been in each others corner for this and it has made the experience much, much easier. 





Starting Weight: 162.0 lbs           Final Weight: 157.4 lbs

Total Weight Lost: 4.4 lbs            Total Inches Lost: 4.5

So, if I’m being honest, when The Beard called out my measurements and as I looked at the scale, I was somewhat disappointed. I tend to put a lot of pressure on myself and always hope for huge changes at the end of each “phase” of whatever plan I’ve been carrying out. So when I saw these numbers they were a littler lower than what I had been dreaming of. But then The Beard reminded me, as he always does…

…it’s progress my dear and it’s not just about the numbers.

As I look over my before and after photos, it is here where I can really tell that the program worked. I have slimmed in several places, especially the troubling areas of my hips and thighs and overall I am much leaner and more toned than I ever was before. I have other photos (that only The Beard is privy too) where I can see great improvement in my glutes. I have hated my backside for as long as I can remember and am so happy that I can FINALLY say it’s getting better!

I could go on and on with my analyzing, because that’s what some of us do, we analyze EVERYTHING in order to work at our goals. But I won’t. In the end what I want for you to know is that the 21 Day Fix Extreme worked and so did I. So the last thing I’d like to share are the top 5 things I learned during round 1.

1. Nutrition is 70-80% of your success. I already knew this was the case, but this program really reinforced the validity of that point.


2. Planning and preparation is key. I have NEVER in my life been so organized when it came to meals and it made a huge impact. Not only did it help us keep our nutrition on point, but it also took meals off of the “one more thing I have to figure out for today” list. It was glorious!


3. Establishing a routine helps with consistency. If you want results you need to schedule for them. Sometimes I can be very willy nilly about WHEN I’m going to exercise. However, for the last 21 days I was a schedule (during the week) and I did not deviate from that if it could be helped. You know what? I never had to. Which makes me think, how many times do we simply convince ourselves that “it just won’t work with my schedule” before we’ve even tried it out? Take it from me when I say…

mentality is often reality. Truth.



4. You need to commit and trust the process. This has always been a struggle for me. If I didn’t think I was getting results with a plan, I would get discouraged and want to jump ship before it was over. Sometimes after only a short period of time. That my friends, is just ludicrous. The most healthy ways of losing weight or improving fitness are going to take time. Time for your body to adjust to what’s going on and figure out what it it needs to do before it actually does it. So the next time you want to try a program, commit to it for a set period of time (21-30 days) and then evaluate whether or not to continue.

butter fly

5. Support your partner. I can’t say enough how much easier something is when you’re not doing it alone. I’m lucky to have The Beard who supports me unconditionally and it definitely made this last 21 days not seem so difficult. In addition, it gave the two of us something specific that we were both working toward. No matter which role you’re in, the one who is trying to get healthy or the one who already is (or isn’t for that matter) jump on board. It will mean the world to your significant other, help them be more likely to accomplish their goal and let’s be honest, a little exercise and good eating never hurt anyone!


So now what?

This week we will continue eating and working out 21 Day Fix Extreme style, but on Saturday…


…we shall CHEAT! We will eat, drink and be merry!

Then we will ease back in on Sunday and begin round 2 of the 21 Day Fix Extreme on Monday, April 20 and once again we will have two choices. Let’s see just how much more we can push ourselves.

Then lookout Jamaica, here we come!

~ Ashley ~


A Nice Surprise

The Beard did this to me once…


…he about gave me a heart attack.  It’s a good thing I have a sense of humor.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I’m not weighing myself as often as I used to. However, I do check-in periodically.  After a weekend full of nutritional debauchery, I cringed as I stepped on the scale this morning.

I had been on somewhat of a bender since Friday night.  We traveled to Kansas City for a 5K race, then proceeded to stuff ourselves at Yard House Happy Hour post-race.  I mean, we deserved a celebratory meal, right? On Saturday, we had the home-opener of the KSU Football season, so tailgaiting was in order, but we did a good job of not overdoing it.  Finally, on Sunday we had a birthday party for The Princess, who had just turned 3 this past Tuesday. She wanted PINK cupcakes with her My Little Pony themed party.  Of course this mama made it happen.

I wish I could say that giving my daughter the cupcakes she wished for was my only motivation, but this would also allow me a reason to indulge in my FAVORITE kind of frosting: Bettercreme.


Nothing could come closer to crack for me than this!

I really should not be allowed to purchase this icing.  It’s wonderful on cake, cupcakes, even sugar cookies.  Want to cut out extra calories?  Just eat it straight out of the bag.  Got a straw?  Even better.  Seriously, it’s a wonder I wasn’t oozing pink out of my pores on Monday morning.  Good thing I went for a 4.5 mile run to detox.

So, as I stepped on the scale this morning, I was prepared for horrid results.  I almost just stepped right back off, but knew I needed the info so I was aware of what I would need to exercise away this week.  So slowly and painfully I forced myself to look down at what I knew would be a less than pleasing verdict.

You’ve GOT to be kidding me?!?!

I looked around the bathroom to see if The Beard was there playing another cruel trick on me.  Only this time, lightening my load instead of making it worse.  He was no where to be found.  I stepped off of the scale and stepped back on, just for good measure.  Same results.  I was pleasantly surprised that I hadn’t gained a thing! I was at the same weight I had been at for the past week. Of course this didn’t give me the green light to keep up the weekend benders,but it did remind me of this:

The power of consistent exercise and healthy eating.

We are meant to enjoy life and sometimes (for me) that comes in the name of food.  As I celebrate various blessings in my life, such as: the ability to run a race and have my husband join me, cheering on our hometown college football team, or my amazing daughter turning 3, I am thankful for working to make healthy choices on a regular basis so that if I want to snort pink delicious frosting up my nose every now and again, I can…without too many consequences.



Like It Or Not


I’m tired today.  Probably because I ate a huge meal last night for our anniversary.  It was delicious, don’t get me wrong, but oh my goodness was I full!  It’s funny, the effects food has on you and the more you notice it once you don’t eat the “not so good stuff” on a regular basis.

So, today I will run.  I feel like doing anything but, but we have a lot going on this weekend and since I won’t be back at boxing until Tuesday of next week (The Beard’s birthday is Monday), I need to put in my time on my own at home.  If I don’t, I can’t even begin to tell you how annoyed and frustrated I will be come Tuesday.  It’s just not worth it and I will be glad I did.  Wish me luck!



Just Say No To Donuts…Most Of The Time

Today is our 4th anniversary.  This is my morning treat.

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See, I don’t only share the good stuff with you.  The reality of things is that I try to eat somewhat clean 80% of the time.  The other 20% is flexible.  I enjoy food, family and friends too much to never have the other stuff.

So this morning I took the kids for a treat.  I had this delicious Triple Chocolate donut from Varsity Donuts (best donut shop ever!) and will continue celebrating by a wonderful dinner out tonight, with The Beard.

The reality is that yes, it will all come with a little guilt, that’s just a natural feeling (and actually good to have, I think) when you’re working to live a healthier lifestyle. However, I also know that I work hard at it so many other days, so I can enjoy times like these.  So today I will be saying “yes” to things I say “no” to most other days, and I’m ok with that!

Have a great day!


He Didn’t Marry Me For My Cooking: Recipe Share #2

One of The Beard’s go-to responses when I do something dumb or have an epic fail at seemingly simple tasks, is

“It’s a good thing you’re pretty!”  Which is usually accompanied by a head-shake, grin and a kiss.

I admit, I’m no Bobby Flay in the kitchen, nor do I want to be.  However, I do feel quite accomplished when I find recipes that are fairly quick and easy to assemble, use mostly healthy ingredients and actually taste good.  If by some miracle I’m able to cook it myself (instead of having Nana, my mother, do it) and the house is still standing with no one having to go to the ER, then that my friends is just the cherry on top!

It’s always scary pressing our luck with a new recipe, because what if it sucks?  I’m not usually a girl with a back up plan in the kitchen.  It’s a one shot deal.  So while The Beard will eat just about anything, because he doesn’t like to see food go to waste, I on the other hand have no problem dumping loads of the mushy mess of what was supposed to be dinner into the trash.  I then proceed to sulk at my disappointing attempt and say I’m just not going to eat and will “find something” for the rest of them.

The Beard will then tell me that I have to eat and would I like him to run and pick something up, to which I say no, that would be dumb.

Of course I don’t really mean it, but I’m not done sulking yet.  Ultimately, though, that’s exactly what occurs.  He is a good man, but let’s just keep that on the “DL.”

Fortunately, we had a winner two nights ago with One-Pan Chicken Burrito Bowls and therefore no dramatic scene needed to play out.    Even the kids liked it!  Well, the Lordling will chow down on almost anything so he was in from the start, but the Princess took just a bit more convincing, but eventually came around.   The Beard says “like mother like daughter.”  I don’t know what he’s talking about.

In the end, it was really filling and we had plenty leftover for lunches.

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I will certainly be adding this rookie into the starting line-up!




Who Doesn’t Love Bacon? This Girl, When That Bacon’s First Name is “Turkey.”

Why didn’t anyone warn me… 

Turkey Bacon

Turkey Bacon.  Not a fan.

       …that this is awful?      

Seriously.  Help a girl out next time.







I refuse to make the sacrifice EVER again!

Are You Really Happy Or Just Really Comfortable?


So along with the successes, I feel it’s just as important, if not more so, to share the struggles.  See while the progress I have made is great, it also comes with its downsides.

When I was really overweight and hit my breaking point, it was easier (I use that term loosely) to forge ahead with my goals because I was at, what I consider, my rock bottom.  While it sucked, A LOT, to restrict my intake to certain foods and beverages, I knew I had to because I was so unhappy with the way I looked physically and the way I felt mentally.

Fast forward to now.  I’ve lost a significant amount of weight and am living a happier life.  One would think that choosing the salad over a cheeseburger or a glass of water over a summer beer would come more naturally these days.  And to be honest, it does.  So much more so then it ever used to be.  However, it’s still difficult and here’s why:

I’m comfortable.

I know that I look and feel so much better than I used to…and that’s awesome…but it’s also dangerous.  It’s dangerous because when you become “ok” with the way you look, then sometimes you lose focus on your goals and don’t push quite as hard because

“I’ve come so far from what I used to be.”

And if you don’t pay attention, today’s cheat snack becomes tomorrow’s cheat meal and then an entire cheat day.  And so on.  Then all of a sudden, you’re back to having those same old feelings of hating the way that you look and feel.

I won’t go back.

So while I don’t have to be as strict as I was when I weighed 213 pounds, I still have to maintain focus on my new goals amidst my day to day life and all that goes along with that.  Beautiful summer days and nights.  Patios.  Friends and family.  Celebrations.  Lunch dates with the kids.  Vacation.  Date nights with The Beard.  Evenings with friends that turn into epic late night adventures.  You know what I mean.

today is a new beginning

So today I’m refocusing my focus.  I’m striving for an 80/20 scenario.  80% of the time eat cleaner with 20% of the time open for flexibility.  I mean, DANG, it’s summertime and I’m sorry (not really) but this girl enjoys those things I listed up above.  And not necessarily in that order.  😉

So, in closing, I ask you…                            comfortable
