An Extra Push

Need a little extra push to workout?

Answer: Workout SWAG!

Last week I helped out at a K.O. Boxing promotional tent for a large community event we have called Purple Power Play. We had a dunk tank where for free, people could punch a bag and dunk a boxer. I was one of the boxers.


The Princess even got in on the action.

dunk aayla

She may be 3, but she’s learning how to throw a punch. A skill that will come in handy at some point in her life. Just hopefully not this next week at preschool!

Anyway, I was pumped to help my gym out.  I think it says something about a place when its members value it enough to offer their time to show support for it.  It also says something about about the people associated with it as well.  I enjoy the company I keep at K.O., so spending some additional time with my coaches and fellow workout crew was an added bonus.

So, in return for that support, Coach L gave us some awesome workout swag! It was totally unexpected but certainly a nice surprise!IMG_7534

I love getting new workout gear! It adds a little extra incentive to wanna head to the gym. I mean, what kind of person would I be if I let this beautiful new bag go unused?  See what I did there?

Sweet workout swag = I want to workout.    

Now, go get yourself some and get your butt in the gym! Or outside…or on a treadmill…or in your living room with a Jillian Michaels dvd…or…



Screw Comfort Zones And Try Something New

They say “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” I don’t know about you, but usually my life is just fine and dandy smack dab in the middle of my little comfort zone.  Reason #327 why I love The Beard: He says “Screw comfort zones!”

In August 2011 The Princess was born. This was our first child together and there truly is no other experience like it. I’m not sure if that is because it’s the miracle of childbirth or because I’m married to The Beard who has a selective filter. For example, at one point, the room was silent with about six doctors and interns waiting for my next round of pushing, and he decides to break the silence by looking at me and saying

“You know, everyone in this room is staring at your vagina right now.”

Talk about screwing comfort zones!  So you can see why it’s a toss up. However, not enough to scare me away from having another, as The Lordling graced us with his presence in November 2012.

With each pregnancy I gained about 45-55lbs and even though I was carrying a child, it still reminded me of my heavier days and how I didn’t want to go back there. So I worked really hard, after both pregnancies, to shed my baby weight. I was successful with the first, however, it was proving to be a bit more difficult and slower the second time around. The same combination of a healthier diet and running just wasn’t doing the trick.

I was becoming frustrated and to be honest, I was tired. Having two little ones, just 15 months apart, was a workout in itself, just not one that got the physical results I was looking for.

One thing about The Beard is that he is always looking to try stuff, and sometimes it seems to just pop up out of the blue. I’m always pretty skeptical and ask a lot of questions, which he tries to say doesn’t annoy him, but I know that it secretly does. So of course it was no different that May, when we had the following email exchange.

The Beard: I am going to take Boxing 101 at KO boxing, over by La Fiesta.  If you would like to take the class with me, you are more than welcome to. The class is two nights a week from 6:30 – 7:30 Boxing 101.

Me: Boxing? Like Mike Tyson?

The Beard: Yes.

Me: Why?

The Beard: Why not.

Me: I just don’t get it.

The Beard: Are you in or not? Look, if you want to great. If not no biggie, but I’m doing it either way.

Me: Well I don’t want to be left out.

The Beard: Of course you don’t dear.

Me: Whatever. I’m in…but boxing?

I was really unsure about the whole idea but in the end, I thought it was at least committing to a twice a week workout and it was something The Beard and I could do together. I definitely felt nervous the first night we went. How did this even work? Would I be horrible at it? Could I even do the things I would be asked to do? Oh my gosh, I’m so out of shape. On the other hand, I was excited to learn something new.

The first official workout didn’t occur until the second night. We were given some instruction on the fundamentals and then proceeded with an intense workout. While I don’t remember exactly everything we did that night, I do remember looking at many of the tasks like a deer in headlights because “there was no way” or so I thought. By the end of the hour class I was dripping with sweat and had managed not to puke (although I came close), so I considered it a success but knew I had a long road ahead of me.

We continued going back, week after week, learning more about the “sweet science” of boxing and continuing to have our asses kicked by Coach Lorissa and Coach Jose. The class came to an end in July and The Beard did not plan to continue. While he enjoyed the class, he had done what he had set out to do, which was to learn something new. I, on the other hand, was hooked and I haven’t looked back.

1 year KO.jpg

April 2013  – 1 month before starting at KO                           May 2014 – after 1 year at KO

I’ve learned so much while boxing at K.O and am thankful to Lorissa Ridley, owner of KO Boxing, for running this kind of gym. Here’s my top 5 list, than I think could be a helpful guide to others as well.

Top 5 Reasons I Love Boxing at K.O.

1.  It challenges me not only physically, but mentally.

I think mental engagement has been a huge reason I enjoy boxing so much. It gives me something to have to think about and learn how to do. I hate being bad at things, so I constantly am looking for ways to improve and every workout gives me the opportunity to do that.

2.  It’s forced me to get out of my comfort zone and meet people.

You can’t get through a boxing workout without engaging with other people. This has helped me grow more comfortable in talking with strangers, as well as asking for help when I need it.

3.  It’s shown me that working out can be fun.

When you like the activity you’re doing, you don’t mind doing it and time seems to fly by.

4.  A supportive environment makes all the difference.

Too often I think people give up on working out because they are doing it alone, sometimes even when they are in a gym/class full of people. I’ve met some great people at K.O. and they have contributed to my success as much as the workout itself. When you are surrounded with people who push you and who work together as a team, it’s hard not to love going to work out. We celebrate each others successes but also pick each other up when we’re struggling. Plus it holds me accountable. They know when I’m not there!

5.  Give it time and the results will come. Then you can’t stop!  

Results aren’t going to happen over night, so stick with it. You’ll be amazed at what happens when you put in hard work over a consistent period of time. Then your mind starts saying, “What will it be like in another month? 6 months? A year?” Those thoughts definitely keep me exciting and wanting to go back for more!

I am forever grateful to The Beard for wanting to try something new and connecting me with K.O. I continue to be amazed at how far I’ve come and how things that were so incredibly difficult that first night, a year later, are just part of the normal routine!

I think in the end, everyone has to find what works for them as an individual. We aren’t all the same and what has worked for me, may not work for you. However, I think if you seek an activity that will provide you with the five characteristics I mentioned above, there’s no way you won’t find success!

If you would like more information about K.O. Boxing, check out K.O. Boxing or email Coach L at Next class starts August 25!  Tell her Ashley sent you!
