Fresh Beats

Music. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it makes all the difference.


I’ve been sick for the last three days, but mentally I have been gearing up for the start of my new health and fitness challenge. Just listening to certain songs today got my blood flowing and wishing I could go run, right then and there!

I think it’s important to always keep a fresh set of tunes floating around. Even the music I LOVE gets old after listening to it over and over and thus negatively impacts my workouts.

I know that finding new music is extremely time consuming and that’s why I like to share my finds and faves periodically. If I already put the time in, why should you have to?!?!

Here are 5 tracks that have recently made it on to my workout playlist. Proceed with caution though because once you listen you’ll be chomping at the bit to get your swole on!


P.S. Track #3 “Heavy Crown” makes me feel unstoppable!

You Complete Me

mix tape

Music.  Oh how I love thee. Unless of course, you’re not what I am looking for. Then it gets awkward and uncomfortable.

Just like finding out your blind date is an ex-con (unless he looks like Jax Teller of SOA, now that would be a different story),  a bad playlist can totally wreck your run. I probably put just as much effort into my music choices for runs, as I do the training for them! I will spend ungodly amounts of time looking for just the right combination of beats. I even choose the order of my songs based upon what mile I will be at. I don’t want to be struggling to get through mile two and Pandora decide that now is the perfect time to pump Barry Manilow’s “Mandy” through my ears.  Seriously. No.

So, in order to save you from having an unanticipated “Copacabana” moment mid-run, here is the most recent fruits of my playlist making labor.

Enjoy! ~Ashley~

“You Complete Me” Playlist

1. Afrojack – The Spark ft. Spree Wilson

2. Elevation Worship – Mighty Warrior

3. Shell Shocked – ft. Wiz Khalifa , Ty Dolla , Juicy J 

4. Taylor Swift – Shake It Off

5. Jack and Jack – Wild Life

6.  Beyonce – XO TON (Little Fever Bootleg)

7. Afro Jack vs. Thirty Seconds To Mars – Do or Die (Remix)

8. Far East Movement – Live My Life (Party Rock Remix)

Ten Thousand Hours

Reason #7 why I love The Beard: He reads. A lot. Some might see this as nerdy but I find it incredibly attractive, obviously, since this trait made the top ten. Along with the fact that I find it hot, it also contributes to me believing that he knows everything. Well, except when it conflicts with my opinion on a topic of conversation and then of course, he knows absolutely nothing!

He once shared an article with me about how it takes 10,000 hours to become good at something, an idea made popular by Malcolm Gladwell in his book, The Outliers. While I haven’t read the book, I have listened to Macklemore’s song, Ten Thousand Hours, that references the same concept. See, The Beard loves books like I love music, which allows for some great conversations and connections.

Anyway, my point in sharing this particular piece of knowledge with you is that 10,000 hours is a long freaking time! That’s 416.66667 days, which is roughly 14 months, and that’s IF you spent all 24 hours a day devoted to your particular task. I started to do even more calculations but stopped, not because, as The Beard likes to say “it became too much for my tiny little brain” (he’s just kidding folks…kind of) but because it doesn’t matter.  In the end, it all boils down to is this: If you want to accomplish something, it’s going to take discipline and time.


Time. This has been the part that I have always struggled with when it came to my goals. Whether it be weight loss, running, teaching, having a larger vocabulary than The Beard, you name it.

I want results and I want them now!

I mean, forgive me but in the spirit of Dawson’s Creek, “I don’t wanna wait…” I frequently vent my frustration with slow progress to The Beard and after reminding me of how far I’ve come; he usually follows up with “It’s a marathon, not a sprint.” Well honey, most days, a 50-yard dash sounds way more appealing than 26.2 miles. Just ask Pheidippides.

All jokes aside though, he is right. Humph! Everything takes hard work and time. It sucks, but it’s the truth. So what can you do to help yourself remain positive and committed to your long-term goal, yet not feel like giving up along the way?  I think the answer is a simple, yet important one.

Be sure to celebrate the short-term successes.

Recently, I have received a few messages, seen Facebook posts and had face-to-face conversations where friends shared their recent accomplishments. Shaving minutes off their mile time; losing 6 pounds; walking or running more miles than they usually had; making it through the day with one less soda; their kids only throwing two fits instead of nine. I’m sure if I asked each of these people if these accomplishments were the completion of their long-term goal, they would tell me no. However, these are steps towards their long-term goals and they should be praised and celebrated!


Too often, we focus on how far away we are from our goals. While I believe identifying what “still needs to be done” is important, I’ve come to the realization (with help of The Beard) that patting myself on the back for what I “have done” is just as important. When you feel good about what you’re doing, it makes you want to keep doing it and if you’re like me, to do even better than the time before. Thus, creating a positive feedback loop.

So the next time you take a step, no matter how small, toward a long-term goal, celebrate being just that much closer to that pie in the sky. Low calorie, no fat, sugar-free, made completely of unprocessed ingredients pie. 🙂


Turn Down For What

earbudsI don’t know about you, but music helps me get through just about anything.  Having a fresh playlist can make all the difference in my workout performance.  Once that music starts, I turn it up and go!

I find that if I can get lost in the beats, workouts don’t always feel like work, which is a good thing.

I’m constantly searching for new songs that will boost my energy and pull me through even the toughest of runs or boxing sessions.  Of course, each individual has their personal preference, so it’s important to find music that motivates YOU.

Below are some of my favorite tracks right now.  I hope you enjoy!


*Warning: Some tracks may have explicit lyrics.*